• Psalm 128:1 Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.
  • Look at this: Special Counsel probes handling of Mar-a-Lago surveillance video. Not here: Grassley and Comer say they’ve found evidence of Biden getting PAID OFF for policy decisions. FBI tip that allegedly puts Biden at center of criminal scheme sends sleuths around the world. Natural gas company Burisma paid then second son Hunter Biden up to $1 million per year to serve on its board beginning in April 2014, shortly after then VP Biden assumed control of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy in the chaotic aftermath of the Maidan uprising that deposed Kyiv’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukavych. Just three days after Hunter joined the board, White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan, then a vice president aide, told a reporter on Air Force Two en route to Kyiv that Joe Biden would push for US support to Ukraine’s national gas industry, which later that year was awarded $50 million by Congress. And, You are in Ukraine today with Joe Biden. You can’t make this stuff up. Jake Sullivan is the same guy with Hillary Clinton who helped spin the lie that Trump had ties to a Russian bank. Hunter gets a job with Burisma. Congress awards $50 million. Is he part of helping bring down Joe Biden now? Why are so many wanting to testify now? The person that wants to testify now, why didn’t they come out October 2020 to say they couldn’t let this go on. Everything going on there is a Now factor. 
  • President Biden’s top national security aide Jake Sullivan was asked point blank Monday if he was part of an influence peddling conspiracy benefitting Biden’s family – after a former White House stenographer made the accusation earlier this month and demanded to speak to the FBI and Delaware grand jury. Sullivan gave a single-word answer “No” when asked by The Post if stenographer, Mike McCormick was correct to allege he corruptly assisted Biden family business interests in Ukraine. McCormick recently outed Sullivan as an anonymous vice presidential press source who touted to reporters possible US aid to Ukraine’s national gas industry on Air Force Two while flying to Kyiv on April 21, 2014 days after then-second son Hunter Biden secretly joined the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma. 
  • Fd1023 form that has information that Joe Biden made a deal with a foreign national in exchange for money. 
  • Comer is doing an amazing job. Grassley is 89 and is not letting up off of Joe Biden. MTG says that we have known each other for a very long time. There is proof at the FBI that he made deals for policy decisions in exchange for money, a pay to play scheme. The networks won’t shut up about Donald Trump. You understand with Watergate there was nothing like what is happening now. If this is true, if there is proof if we have this. We don’t want Joe Biden to just be impeached. 
  • James Comer tweeted: Info provided by a whistleblower raises concerns that then VP Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. The American people need to know if President Biden sold out to the US to make money for himself. Comer and Grassley reveal the existence of an FBI record alleging then VP Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. According to a whistleblower this record details an alleged arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions. 
  • Jake Sullivan the master of media misinformation. What did he know and when during the Clinton-inspired Russia-gate? Biden NSA Jake Sullivan’s future questioned over Russia hoax role. (November 9, 2021) We had the Durham report, it was thrown out of court because we couldn’t get an indictment. But with fact proof and evidence with hands in the cookie jar Duham couldn’t get an indictment on Sussmann and Sullivan. Jack Smith will be able to get an indictment on the Mar-a-Lago documents. President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, is referred to in one of the indictments obtained by special counsel John Durham in his investigation into the orgins of the Russia probe of former President Donald Trump, Fox news reported Tuesday. The revelation which echoed a September piece by Post columnist Paul Sperry immediately raised questions about Sullivan’s future in the White House. Sullivan is unnamed by Fox cited two well placed sources who identified him as the foreign policy advisor referenced in the charges against former DNC lawyer Michael Sussmann. The development marks the closest that Durham has come to anyone directly associated with Biden’s administration. Sussmann’s indictment details how the unnamed Clinton campaign lawyer” exchange emails with the Clinton Campaign’s campaign manager, communications director and foreign policy advisor concerning the Russian bank allegations that Sussmann had recently shared with an unnamed reporter. They paid for the dossier and they ran the media. Hey you may need to look into Trump. It was all a set up. We will see if anything comes of the Comer and Grassley’s investigation. They are working off of Durham’s file. 
  • On October 31, 2016 Jake Sullivan then senior policy adviser for Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, issued a press statement citing a Slate report purporting to show that the Trump Organization had a secret server registered to Trump tower that was covertly communicating with Russia. Trump told you they spied on his campaign and they tapped Trump Tower. The American people deserve the truth and they have the proof. Will it affect Joe’s re-election? The media will run cover for Joe. 
  • Ukraine alleges $5 million bribe over Burisma, no Biden link. Ukrainian officials on Saturday said that they were offered $5 million in bribes to end a probe into energy company Burisma’s founder, but said there was no connection to former board member Hunter Biden whose father is running for US presidency. June 13, 2020. The media have almost 5 months to investigate this before the election. Plastic bags filled with US dollar banknotes seized by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine are seen on the table during a news briefing at the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office in Kiev. The Ukrainian company was thrust into the global spotlight last year in the impeachment inquiry into whether US President Donald Trump improperly pressured Kiev into opening a case against his rival for the November election race. Trump wants an investigation into the Democrats’ 20209 candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son. Artem Sytnyk, head of Ukraine’s national anti-corruption bureau said three people had been detained including one current and former tax official over the bribe offer. The money was the largest cash bribe ever seized in the country. Biden implicated in Bribery Scheme, Grassley and Comer allege in new subpoena demand to FBI. The demand comes just one month after Comer warned that republicans’ investigation into Biden’s corruption doesn’t look good for POTUS. GOPers order Blinken to turn over all communications with Hunter Biden after emails show he lied to congress. 
  • MTG tweet: First 51 people from the Intel community including our current SOS, Antony Blinken, claimed the Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t real. The Treasury Department has had SARS on Hunter Biden and others that reveal evidence of money laundering and human sex trafficking for years. But now all of sudden the DOJ is finally ready to bring charges against Hunter Biden for tax and gun related offenses. OH OKAY. Jacob Chansley was tried and convicted for being escorted by Cap police on J6 and has almost finished his sentence faster than the DOJ is willing to lift a finger against Hunter Biden. Shiny Object.